Return & Exchange
Linennaive has a 7- day return policy: you have 7 days from when your order is delivered to ship/postmark it back to our return center for a refund or exchange.
If you are unsatisfied with the items received, please contact us first before sending the items back to us. Click the Message box in home page.
Our products are eligible for a refund if they meet the following terms:
- Items must be in standard size and length (no customization).
- Items must be in the original condition (not used, not washed and not damaged).
- Items in specific colors may not be eligible for a refund. For more information, get in touch with us.
- The return package must contain a return form completed.
- The return package must contain all the contents of the original package except for fabric samples if the entire order is returned for a refund.
- The return form must contain an order number, which consists of 4 digits. A return form with transaction IDs or other inaccurate information does not qualify for a refund. If you do not know the order number, feel free to contact us.
- Items must be mailed off within 7 days as of the day of delivery.
Purchased items are exchangeable into a different size. Exchanges are only processed upon receipt of returned merchandise and are based on stock availability. Exchanges are shipped to you free of charge. Should you be interested in a different colour or style, please return your item/s to us and simply purchase the new piece separately at
Receiving a refund
Your refund will be credited to the the same form of payment from where the purchase was made. If the complete order is returned the refund will include standard delivery costs from Linennaive to you. Please note that in case of a written notice and proof of a return to Linennaive within 7 days upon arrival, we will issue a refund latest on day 14. In case we have not received a written proof of a return, we allow 30 days to issue a refund.
Please note that a deduction can be made if the value of the goods has been reduced as a result of you handling the goods more than was necessary.
Our regular online return and exchanges policy as described above applies during sale periods.
Linennaive quality guarantee
If an item received is classified as faulty and was received damaged, you must contact us within 7 days of receipt.
If items have a manufacturing fault that occurred within a 12-month time frame after purchase, please contact us immediately.